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Global Wakening

Global Wakening is a ministry that is inspiring and equipping a new generation with a supernatural Christian worldview that will help ignite a Global Wakening of God’s church. We will accomplish this through the mass distribution of books and e-books, through preaching and teaching in churches, Christian conferences, and colleges, and by partnering with other like-minded ministries, churches, missions, and individuals. Our vision is to win our global culture to Christ the same way the early church did—through faith and fearlessness in the face of persecution, loving acts of kindness, and the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. All it takes is the fresh, prayerful, united effort of ordinary Christians stirring up the gifts of God that are in them.


Today's enemies of Christ are bent on keeping the church divided because they know: united we stand, divided we fall. In the early church and in virtually every outpouring or awakening since, churches and Christians operated as one. The early church also lacked one central leader as did many of the moves of God since. Today God still uses ordinary people to accomplish the extraordinary. 


Many pastors, church leaders, teachers, students, missionaries, workers,

adults and youth around the world are in desperate need of teaching

resources on the Holy Spirit's work. Many leaders are continually crying

out for teaching that will position their students and congregations to

engage their culture and world with the power, love, and demonstration

of the Holy Spirit.


​By purchasing, writing reviews, and telling others about our books,

you are helping distribute books to Christian schools,

churches, and ministries around the globe. 


Imagine people around the world experiencing Pentecostal signs, wonders,

and miracles in their own lives as they study the life of Jesus and the lives of

the saints. Imagine them feeling God’s power and presence as they witness

spiritual gifts operating through them. 


If you believe in what we are doing, please help us spread this vital message

of The Holy Spirit's Enduring Work in the Church.




 Jeff Oliver, Founder & President

Global Wakening

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